
Hello I'm Matt Haught, a computer geek living and working in North Carolina. I have been working in IT world in some capacity for about 20 years. I haven been using Linux and FreeBSD since the mid 90s. Over the course of my career I have moved more and more into automation, mostly out of necessity. I have solely supported thousands of workstations at a time and the use of scripting and config management for automation saved me. Since then I have leaned more and more on automation. My current position has me helping manage thousands of network devices spread out over multiple campuses, and Ansible bas become our go to tool. I also manage a few dozen internal applications and I work on development and use CI/CD automation for them. Much of my recent automation work pulls in my skills of writing user-friendly frontends and coupling that with automation on the backend to make changes.

I have always enjoyed programming. I started programming back in the late 90s with PHP and even today I still use PHP. Along the way I have picked up Python, Javascript, Ruby, a little C, and when I have to - Perl. Recently I have been learning Go and Rust.


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